Lily Miller - Education Blog

The Second Step

This week I successfully hit my goal of running 3 times. This week I was also able to achieve my goal of running 12 kilometres, which is something I had never done before. My friend and I have decided to increase the distance of our long run by 1 kilometre a week until we reach 20 kilometres! This will put us at the end of April, right before I leave for my trip to Sweden!

My trip abroad might make training slightly more complicated, but I am sure Sweden will have plenty of places to run (so long as I find some intrinsic motivation!)

Galloping Goose Trail (12k)

The 12k felt substantially harder than what 10k normally feels like, that being said I did not prepare myself like I normally do before I run. The night before I been out with friends and had been drinking, not helpful. We where also out until 2am, also not helpful. Additionally I had not had enough water or food or caffeine, all of which may have contributed to the challenge. That being said, we managed to run at a 5’52″min/km pace, which would put us at an under 2 hour finish if we kept that pace for the half marathon!

To add to this, I hardly stretched after the run (rookie mistake). This left me very sore on Sunday! Before this, I very much underestimated the value and importance of stretching. Without the proper recovery, the next run is almost impossible. After this weekend I learnt that taking care of my body needs to be my priority throughout this journey.

Gordon Head North Park (5.63k)

From those who know best

I sat down with a friend of mine, who is an avid runner and who ran the half marathon himself last year, to discuss my training and to ask him for some advice. Here’s some of what he had to say:

  • Stretch before and after every run or workout. Don’t neglected this as it has the potential to make or break your training.
  • Drink water ALL the time, more than you think you should. Especially before a long run, you should begin hydrating even the day before.
  • Eat a banana or something high in potassium after you run to help prevent sore muscles.
  • Listen to your body. On day’s when your body is really urning for a break, take a break. Having a plan is good and important to stick to but if you push yourself too far you will get injured and loose all your progress. That being said, a healthy challenge is good for you too.
  • It’s a mental game more than anything. You can train everyday, but unless you believe in your abilities and are motivated to do it, you won’t get anywhere. Your mind will be the greatest challenge you have to over come.

That last point that my friend made really stuck out for me. It made me realize that my biggest enemy is myself and that I am capable of whatever I set my mind to. I have been doubting myself a lot lately, but after talking to my friend I realized that I have nothing to fear and that doubting myself is only going to make it harder. I believe I can do it and so I will, it is that easy!

Alumni Chip Trail UVic (4k)

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1 Comment

  1. jahniaathomas February 4, 2020

    This is great! I will be there cheering you on at your marathon!

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