The first couples weeks of learning the recorder have gone surprisingly well considering I have never picked up an instrument before now! I successfully met my goal of learning to play Au Clair de la Lune on the recorder by January 27th. I am not entirely confident in my ability to play the song quite yet but I at least have a sense of how the notes correlate to the finger positioning. I can play the song almost straight through without messing up, and almost by memory.
I learnt to play the song by using a youtube video ( ). The video displays the notes both with symbols and letters, as well as the fingering position of each note on the recorder as the song plays. As of now I just use the letter of the notes to play, I have not quite mastered the ability to read the notes in form of symbols yet. This is something I plan on continuing to practice as I believe this is a more useful skill to develop than to simply learn to play the instrument. Learning to read music will be transferable to my future career.
I’m happy with the progress I’ve made so far and am looking forward to improving on the skills I have already developed!