Songhees Trail (16km)
This week we ran a lot of kilometres! We did a shorter run earlier in the week for a distance of 10km. Then over the weekend we ran our long run for 16km. Much to our surprise, we ran the long run well below our targeted pace! I’m not entirely sure how we did it, but we managed to shave almost 30 seconds off of our regular pace during our long run! The best part of it was that it didn’t feel any harder to run at the faster pace, which tells me that our practice is paying off!

Songhees Trail (16km)
Unfortunately, I injured myself from the run. I didn’t feel the injury until the day after, but can only assume that the run was the cause of it. My hip flexor seems to be strained. I can hardly lift my leg so running is definitely out of the question. In doing some research i found out that this is a common injury for runners. Through research I also found that I should not be stretching or exercising as that may make it worse. This is quite discouraging for me as this will set back my training program.
(Sources: https://thecoldestwater.com/how-to-recover-from-hip-flexor-strain-faster/)

Elk Lake (10km)