Lily Miller - Education Blog

The Last Step

As we wrap up the semester, the blog too comes to a close. Although I will no longer be blogging, I will not stop running! It’s a shame that the semester had to end the way it did with no concrete conclusion. It’s also a shame that I had to end my running blog injured and unable to run. Although none of this is ideal, it’s a reality we have to face! The silver-lining of this quarantine in regards to my running is that I now have time to rest properly in order to heal my hip, then once it’s healed I will have plenty of time to train.

The inquiry process has been super helpful to my training. Having to blog each week has kept me on schedule for my running and has helped me to track my runs and progress. It has been an excellent tool for reflecting on my runs to be able to recognize what is working, what is not, and how my body feels.

Another added benefit of this inquiry approach is that I learnt a lot more about running than I would have had I been training without the blog. I would have never gone out of my way to talk to the people I did about exercise, running, health, etc. In doing so, my running improved and my body felt better. This is a great lesson to learn, that in anything you are learning to do it’s important to access various resources to maximize potential. At first, I felt somewhat uncomfortable in asking questions but quickly found out that people love talking about things they know a lot about! After this inquiry, I feel much more comfortable asking these questions outside of an inquiry structure. I am much more curious now about diving deeper into subjects that I am already interested in. There is so much information out there and this project has really gotten me excited about learning and exploring!

I can really see the benefit of this type of learning in a classroom, especially if the students inquiry project is on something they are really interested in. This is a great way to get students excited about learning and begin to develop researching skills. I’m grateful to have had this opportunity to experience inquiry myself and look forward to implementing this in the classroom.

Signing off!

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