This week I was sick. It was a tough week for me as I was itching to get active but knew that my body needed to rest. The weather was beautiful this week, which made it even harder not to run!

Cattle Point (15k)
Because I was sick this week, my running partner had to do the long run without me because she was going to be away for the week. This meant that it was up to me to get motivated and do it on my own. I delayed the long run by 4 days (granted part of that I was sick for) and found it very challenging to gather the strength to do it on my own. During the run I was a lot more aware of my body, specifically everything that hurt. The hills seemed higher and the distances felt longer. As well, my post run recovery has been much more challenging than it normally is; I’ve been very sore all day. I know that my struggle with this run is all in my head. But I am shocked by how much support I felt by simply having someone to run with. This tells me that running alone is something I need to work on (and maybe simply being alone as well).
Despite my struggles, I still managed to complete 4 runs this week and 15km for the long run! Seems like my goals are almost in reach, another 5km at this point is definitely achievable!

Alumni Chip Trail (8k & 3.78k)