Lily Miller - Education Blog

Recorder Blog #6 and Final Demo

This is the final blog documenting my journey of learning to play the recorder. It has been a successful and challenging journey. I am not at the level that I was hoping to be at, but given the circumstances I think I did fairly well. The amount of practice I would have normally done has been cut down as a result of other tasks needing my attention. Therefore, my ability to perform my final song is not at the level I want it to be. As you will see from my video, I continue to struggle with the notes C and D. I am finding it difficult to cover all the holes properly with my fingers. More practice might have been beneficial, had I had more time I would have done so.

An added challenge to practicing in quarantine is that all my roommates are home. Seeing as the recorder, if played improperly, is hard on the ears I typically try to play when they are not home. Now that we are all home, I have no choice but to subject them to the noise. I try my best to limit the length of practice so as to no inconvenience them too much, as we are all already slightly on edge. This is just another challenge we’ve had to overcome during these unfamiliar times.

In reviewing my Musical Growth Plan, I believe that I have accomplished (almost) everything that I set out to accomplish at the beginning of the semester. I was hoping to be able to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star without error, this was not entirely successful. I was also hoping to be able to read music, although this is somewhat the case I still have more to learn! Overall, I can be proud of having learnt to play an instrument coming from having no musical background. I am grateful to have had this opportunity and hope to be able to implement my new learnt skills in my future classroom.

Performing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star: AhKEoxNKTtSpmY7qekqCyA

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